Make a real difference

Corporate Fundraising

Make a real difference to the lives of those within your community

By becoming a corporate supporter, you will help ensure patients receive the very best of medical, social and emotional care, free of charge.

There are lots of ways to join in, or you can use your own ideas, either way, contact our friendly team for advice, through our contact form, email or get in touch by calling 0300 323 0250.

Charity of the year 

Choosing us as your charity of the year is a fantastic way to raise your company’s profile while supporting us. 

By nominating us as your charity of the year you’ll be able to: 

  • Boost staff morale by encouraging teamwork through a range of fun activities 
  • Enhance your company values by sharing your experiences with clients and customers 
  • Encourage positive PR to help raise your company’s profile in the local community 
  • Increase your brand awareness through the Compton Care social media platforms and marketing materials 
  • Fulfil your Corporate Social Requirements with minimal impact to your company’s time and resources 
  • Gain exposure from having your link and logo on our website event page 
  • Access exclusive free training opportunities 

Corporate Volunteering 

We currently have a dedicated team of regular volunteers, but we’re always looking for extra pairs of hands. Whether you’re looking to help tidy up our beautiful grounds, marshal at an event or get involved in our charity shops, you’ll have a great day and a real feeling of satisfaction.

Business Club

Join Compton’s Business Club where you can meet other influential likeminded businesses to network, receive free training opportunities, free corporate volunteering places and learn about the impact your membership is making on your community.

Give as You Earn

Payroll giving is a quick, simple and tax-free way of supporting Compton Care with a regular contribution. When you donate through Payroll giving, your donation is deducted each pay day before Income Tax and National Insurance is takenLearn more by watching our video.

Gifts in Kind

Your donations of equipment, services, raffle/auction prizes and food make a huge difference in reducing our costs and helping our fundraising events run smoothly.   

For more information about our corporate opportunities, please use our contact form or contact our Corporate Fundraising Team on or get in touch by calling 0300 323 0250. 

Support Compton Care