Compton Care Conquers Snowdon
An intrepid team of Compton Care supporters and staff members scaled Snowdon to see the sun rise and raise nearly £4,000 for our work.
Last month, Natalie Bosworth and Rachael Hardwick from Compton Care’s Community Specialist Palliative Care team, along with David Fletcher, Compton’s Associate Director of Projects, joined other fundraisers for the Snowdon by Sunrise challenge.
Starting their trek at 2am, a total of eight walkers set off on the three-hour climb. The group successfully reached the summit at 5am and were able to witness the stunning sunrise.
Several walkers came in memory of recently lost loved ones who had been cared for by the Compton Care Community team and Inpatient Unit.
Rachael Hardwick, Clinical Nurse Specialist at Compton Care, said: “The path was brutal but thankfully the weather was kind. As staff and families walked and talked together many precious experiences, memories and emotions were shared. Even though the group was small the atmosphere was vibrant. It was all worth the achy knees!”
Cara Bright, Community and Events Fundraiser at Compton Care, added: “Well done to the team for completing their trek in aid of Compton Care. The team have done a fantastic job and the money they have raised is truly incredible.
“This fantastic amount will enable us to continue to provide palliative and end of life care for our patients and support their families.”
The team’s efforts were part of Compton Care’s fundraising events, which encourage people to take on a challenge and raise funds to support its work.
Cara continued: “Our next challenge will be taking on the Yorkshire Three Peaks in under 12 hours on Saturday 30 September. I’d highly recommend this event to anyone looking to be challenged and to make a difference to their local community.